Data Scanning
Data Scanning Discover, Scan, Index, And Classify All The Sensitive Data In Your Company
Find & Manage PII, PHI, PCI, HIPAA Data
Ensure Compliance And Mitigate Risks
Where is my Data?
Companies have large volumes of content in data sources across the enterprise, and in many formats. Some are structured, like databases, and much more is in unstructured data: text documents, presentations, chats, emails, recordings, or images. As all this data grows, it’s difficult to conduct accurate content identification, classification, monitoring, and analysis.
Why Scan it?
Scalable Sensitive Data Scanning
Our AI technology will scan, classify and correlate structured and unstructured data using any business rules defined by you.
Problems PieEye Solves
Examples of Data Scanning
- PII / PCI / PHI identification
- GDPR / CCPA compliance
- LIBOR replacement/transition
- Contract reviews
- Mergers & acquisitions
- Data inventory
- Search & analytics
- Storage analytics
- Information security