Cookies are more than just the delicious snack you keep in a jar—(digital) cookies are an integral part of a website’s functionality. While a website doesn’t need cookies to work, it does need cookies for everything from metrics to saving a customer’s cart items.

E-commerce stores stand to gain much from enabling cookies, but they do need to be careful about complying with all relevant data protection regulations so as not to face any penalties or loss of customer trust.

Does Your E-Commerce Website Need a Cookie Notice?

If your website receives visitors from the EU (including the UK), you need to place a cookie notice on your website to comply with GDPR. While websites based in other countries don’t necessarily need these right now, it’s good practice to put these in place since regulations are being updated to reflect GDPR policy all around the world. For example, California’s CCPA already requires that businesses allow customers to opt out of third-party data sharing, including cookie consent.

For a cookie notice to be compliant, it needs to fulfill certain requirements. Such notifications, often found as banners or pop-ups on a website, don’t need to adhere to a specific theme, so there is some flexibility in their design. However, the following elements are necessary:

    1. A cookie acceptance button to receive the user’s consent. The website can also provide a reject button to allow users to opt out of all cookies.

    1. Information about cookie use so that the user can make an informed choice, including a prominent mention of third-party use if cookie data is shared outside the website.

    1. Links to the website’s privacy policy, cookie policy, and any other relevant documents.

    1. A cookie settings panel if the website doesn’t want to allow users to automatically reject all cookies.

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While there are exceptions to cookie compliance, such as strictly necessary cookies, it remains vital for an e-commerce website to provide a customer with the necessary information and options regarding cookie use.

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About the Author: Marc Parrish

Marc Parrish, Founder and CEO of PieEye INC., is a seasoned marketing expert with a rich history in the industry. Holding an MBA from UCLA and a background in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Michigan, Marc's expertise spans interactive marketing to product marketing. Based in San Francisco, his insights into the digital transformation of the U.S. retail sector are deeply informed by his vast experience and passion for various social causes.

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