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“Partnering with PieEye was a transformative decision for Phlur. The depth of their privacy compliance solutions, especially in areas critical to eCommerce like cookie management and DSRs, has not only streamlined our operations but also elevated our brand in the eyes of our customers. We’ve moved beyond viewing compliance as a challenge, to seeing it as an opportunity to demonstrate our dedication to privacy and customer care. PieEye has been instrumental in this journey.”

-Phlur’s eCommerce Director

About Phlur

Phlur is a pioneering fragrance company that blends the art of perfumery with a commitment to transparency and sustainability. Known for their unique, high-quality scents, Phlur caters to discerning customers online, offering perfumes, body care products, and candles that elevate everyday rituals into moments of beauty and mindfulness.

The Challenge

In the rapidly evolving digital marketplace, Phlur faced the daunting task of navigating the complex landscape of privacy regulations, including GDPR, CPRA, CCPA, and a burgeoning number of state laws. For an eCommerce platform, managing cookie compliance and efficiently handling Data Subject Requests (DSRs) were not just about legal adherence but also about fulfilling customer expectations for privacy and trust. Achieving this level of compliance and operational efficiency was a significant challenge that stretched beyond Phlur’s existing capabilities.

The Solution

Phlur turned to PieEye’s comprehensive privacy compliance solutions, specifically tailored for the nuanced needs of eCommerce businesses. By implementing PieEye’s cutting-edge technologies for cookie compliance and DSR management, Phlur was able to seamlessly integrate these solutions into their online platform. PieEye’s automation tools not only simplified compliance processes but also ensured that Phlur could exceed customer expectations for privacy, all while maintaining the essence of their brand.

The Impact

Adopting PieEye’s solutions marked a pivotal shift in Phlur’s approach to privacy compliance. The efficiency gains from automating compliance tasks allowed Phlur to reallocate resources towards innovation in their product offerings and customer experience. Moreover, by reinforcing their commitment to customer privacy, Phlur strengthened the trust and loyalty of their customer base, positioning themselves as a leader in both the fragrance industry and eCommerce privacy practices.