GDPR and CCPA exist for the same purpose: data protection. Although there are notable differences between the two, the good news is that if you make an effort to comply with GDPR, you’ll more than likely comply with CCPA. CCPA seems to be a more lenient version of GDPR, but it is still important to review CCPA in its entirety to make sure you comply.

What Is GDPR?

The Global Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into effect on May 25, 2018 and effectively overhauled the way online user data is handled. It was put into place to protect the personal information of each European Union citizen and was then adopted by many other governments.

What Is CCPA?

The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) came into effect two years after GDPR on July 1st, 2020, stirring some real concerns within many businesses. This act, enforced by the California Attorney General, followed in the footsteps of GDPR but covered a different area.

Differences Between GDPR and CCPA

There are five main differences between GDPR and CCPA:

  1. CCPA laws apply to for-profit entities whose business meets specific characteristics, while GDPR laws apply to any company and its websites.
  2. GDPR covers the processing of all personal data with a couple of exceptions, while CCPA is more particular regarding the types of data protected under various circumstances.
  3. The definitions for data collecting, processing, and selling vary for GDPR and CCPA. It is important to cross-reference these to make sure you comply.
  4. GDPR requirements are a lot more detailed and stringent when it comes to information that must be provided to data subjects.
  5. When it comes to penalties, GDPR reprimands businesses pre-emptively, while CCPA is reactionary. However, all the penalties are harsh and should not be taken lightly.

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About the Author: Marc Parrish

Marc Parrish, Founder and CEO of PieEye INC., is a seasoned marketing expert with a rich history in the industry. Holding an MBA from UCLA and a background in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Michigan, Marc's expertise spans interactive marketing to product marketing. Based in San Francisco, his insights into the digital transformation of the U.S. retail sector are deeply informed by his vast experience and passion for various social causes.

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